mexec memos

mexec memo November 2021
Welcome to our latest quarterly newsletter, which will also be the last one for 2021. We hope that you’ve found them useful in keeping you up-to-date with what’s happening around

mexec memo September 2021
“You’re on mute!” We all thought this was just a 2020 catchcry but unfortunately, it’s worked its way into 2021. A phrase that we’d all hoped would be replaced this year

mexec memo June 2021
If the 2020 word of the year was ‘pandemic’ then surely for 2021 it would have to be ‘perseverance.’ Across the industry I’ve seen companies change business strategies, speakers and

mexec memo February 2021
We hope that you’ve had a great start to 2021. After the turmoil of the past year, it’s pleasing to see that the industry has remained resilient with many companies

mexec memo December 2020
2020 – what an interesting year it’s been! It’s been wonderful to see the industry working together on diagnostics, vaccines, medicines and technology to help manage the effects of COVID-19,

mexec memo May 2020
Hello from self isolation! To say a lot has happened since our last quarterly newsletter is an understatement but it has been encouraging to see the industry adapt by moving

mexec memo January 2020
Happy New Year! As many of us head back to work to begin the new year, it can be a time to reflect, set new goals and plan for the

mexec memo September 2019
mexec memo Welcome to our quarterly newsletter with a new name and a new look! We’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest jobs, interesting articles and what’s happening in the

News Update #1
Welcome to mexec careers News Update and brand new website I would like to keep you informed, and link you to information that I find interesting. Interesting Websites: New Events:

News Update #2
If you are connected with me on LinkedIn you will note that I have started a tip of the week. These tips relate to incidents that week. Included this week