Marilyn's Musings

Dear Employers that are hiring,
“On yer bike…” I am upset, and I have had enough, but what can I do? The new bike I had ordered in January, which was going to arrive in

To call or not to call? Here is the answer
As a recruiter, I am applying to jobs all the time. How does that work, you ask? I am competing against other agencies for the business of recruiting for organisations. Like many

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
mexec speaks with Michelle Gallaher, digital health entrepreneur and CEO of Opyl, on the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Tell us a bit about what you do. Opyl provides

The Great Resignation – I don’t want to talk about it!
It’s in the news and my inbox every day. News about the Great Resignation, the Big Resignation or what some people call the Big Quit. But while many people in

Canva CV templates – a recruiter’s perspective
As a recruiter, I review 100s of CVs. Many of them are excellent, however, many I see are filled with information that is irrelevant to the role being applied to

Leadership and Culture – The 13 Day Jobs of Marilyn Jones
Recently, I was invited to speak at an industry masterclass on culture and leadership, being asked to draw on my own experiences and share them with the audience. While I’m

3 big Whys to consider in your job search
I am fortunate to be able to recruit some fantastic positions for companies in science, health and technology. Companies developing new drugs and devices, or companies supporting those that are.

Referees – a key part of the recruitment process
Checking references is an important part of the recruitment process. It enables your potential employer to confirm the information you provided in your CV, your achievements and results and, just

ZOOOOOMM – How has your day changed?
I used to be in the CBD at least three times a week – taking the train, going to seminars or training or visiting clients, and like many others, I

Evidence, your Honour
It’s tough times at the moment, and our thoughts are with you all, particularly if you are out of work. COVID has presented difficulties for many sectors, and for many

Infer or not to infer…
With the end of the year in sight, we would like to share a few key things to think about over the coming weeks that might be inferring things about

I was reading an article online recently in the Sydney Morning Herald by journalist Jill Stark, talking about the paradox of choice. It was about Netflix having too many choices